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Off-the-shelf catalogue products

Get started quickly with off-the-shelf constructs available for initial evaluation and testing in your advanced therapy platform. Matching plasmid is available for comparison studies.

HDR Template Donors, CMV Reporters and CAG Promoters

Product Name Description Quantity (approx. mg) Concentration (mg/mL)
TRAC-eGFP TRAC locus-targeting promoterless eGFP HDR knock-in template 0.5 4
TRAC-CD19 CAR TRAC locus-targeting promoterless CD19 CAR HDR knock-in template 0.5 4
CMV-Lux Firefly luciferase 0.5 2
CMV-TE-eGFP Highly expressing enhanced GFP 0.5 4
CAG-Lux Firefly luciferase 0.5 2
CAG-hFIX Factor IX secretory protein 0.5 2



Product Name Description Quantity (approx. mg) Concentration (mg/mL)
VSV-G VSV-G packaging construct 0.5 1
eGFP transgene GFP transgene 2 1
Rev Rev packaging construct 1 1
GagPol GagPol packaging construct 0.5 1



Product Name Description Quantity (approx. mg) Concentration (mg/mL)
CMV-Lux-2A-eGFP Transgene Luciferase and GFP combined reporter transgene 0.5 2
Rep2Cap2 AAV2 capsid 1 2
AdHelper AAV helper 1 2


How to order

You can either order the catalogue products by contacting us below via the request form, or via the website.